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Revolution and Revolutions in Art




Submission deadline:

April 30th, 2019




Proposals should include name, contact information (address, phone number,

e-mail), title of the paper, short CV and an abstract.


Short CV in English of maximum 200 words.


Abstract in English of maximum 400 words.





by e-mail to:




Registration is

free of charge.


The fifth international conference for PhD students and recent PhD graduates Revolution and Revolutions in Art challenges the PhD students, young researchers and scholars from different fields of humanities and social sciences to address a multitude of questions, dilemmas, perspectives and problems related to the idea of revolution in art. We welcome theoretical, empirical and methodological papers addressing the theme. We also encourage different aspects and approaches and especially invite submissions that address the following topics:

Revolutionary shifts in European art from antiquity to the early modern period:

artists, patrons, ideas, creations that profoundly marked the course of art;


Revolutions in modern and contemporary art:

new artistic concepts, metamorphoses in contemporary visual arts, new aesthetics, new social dynamics;


Digital art and revolution:

new media, new technologies, art and science, the position, role and power of artist in digital era;


Revolutions and art institutions:

shaping the art world - turning points in exhibition making and professionalization of art, contemporary curatorship, art economy and power;


Iconography of revolution in European art:

Iconographic motives related to different contexts - historical, political, social, gender, scientific, religious, etc.; war and revolution memorials, damnatio memoriae;


Art as observer and companion to revolutionary movements:

artist and art in the time of revolutions, artistic contributions to the revolution, socially engaged art, art and political propaganda, artist in war,

art in global political and economic changes;


Liberty and human rights in history and art:

Changing of the concept of liberty from antiquity to the present, human rights – theory and reality in modern society, globalism and human rights, human rights activism in art.

International Board of co-chairs: prof. dr. Martin Germ (University of Ljubljana), prof. dr. Marina Vicelja Matijašić (University of Rijeka), prof. dr. Ivana Prijatelj Pavičić (University of Split), prof. dr. Jelena Erdeljan (University of Belgrade).

Organising committeeInes Babnik, Gašper Cerkovnik, Nina Díaz Fernández, Martina Malešič, Sara Turk, Asta Vrečko, Nikola Piperski, Dalibor Prančević, Barbara Španjol Pandelo.

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