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Organising committee: Jelena Erdeljan, Nenad Makuljević, Ivana Prijatelj Pavičić, Marina Vicelja Matijašić, Tine Germ (co-chairs); Gašper Cerkovnik, Martina Malešič, Katra Meke, Ines Unetič, Ivana Nina Unković, Asta Vrečko, Miha Zor 

Conference venue

The conference will be held at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade in the ceremonial hall "Dragoslav Srejović" situated on the first floor of the faculty (Čika-Ljubina 18-20).

8-10 September 2016

We advise you to arrive in Belgrade one day before the conference and plan on departing not earlier than 5:00 p.m. on final conference day.

Conference dates

Since the Faculty does not provide accommodation, we enclose the list containing links to hostels and private accommodation websites that can help you find a suitable and affordable place to stay:


All the above-mentioned accommodation units are very close to the conference venue. However, you can choose to stay in any other hotel of your preference. We hope that this information will prove useful to you.

Please note:

The currency is ‘Serbian dinar’ (RSD). The current exchange rate is 1 euro = 123,30 Serbian dinars

The nearest airport Nikola Tesla Airport  is located 18 kilometers away from the city center and many of the low-cost airlines fly there. From the airport you can reach city center with A1 Mini bus or Bus Line 72.

More detailed information should be provided by the staff of your chosen accomodation.

Travel information

City public transport is provided through a network of bus, trolleybus and tram routes run by GSP "Beograd".

Taxi could be another option to move around teh city.


We are looking forward to meet you this September in Belgrade!

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