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9:00 –10:00 Registration/ registracija/ registracija


10:00–10:30 Opening of the conference/ otvaranje znanstvenog skupa/ otvoritev konference


Greetings and introductory speeches/pozdravni i uvodni govori/ pozdravni in uvodni nagovori

  • Prof. Aleksandar Jakir, PhD, Dean of Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, University of Split/ Dekan Filozofskog fakulteta, Sveučilište u Splitu/ Dekan Fakultete za humanistične in družbene vede, Univerza v Splitu:

       The Second International Conference for Doctoral Students and Recent Doctoral Graduates in the Field of Humanities and Social Sciences

  • Prof. Ivana Prijatelj Pavičić, PhD, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Split/ Filozofski fakultet, Sveučilište u Splitu/ Fakulteta za humanistične in družbene vede, Univerza v Splitu:

       Crossroads East and West. Cultural Contacts, Transfers and Exchange between East and West in the Mediterranean

  • Prof. Marina Vicelja Matijašić, PhD, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Rijeka, Director of the Center for Iconographic Studies/ Filozofski fakultet, Sveučilište u Rijeci, Direktorica Centra za ikonografske studije/ Filozofska fakulteta, Univerza na Reki, Direktorica Centra za ikonografske študije

  • Prof. Tine Germ, PhD, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana/ Prodekan Filozofskog fakulteta, Sveučilište u Ljubljani/ Prodekan Filozofske fakultete, Univerza v Ljubljani


10:30–11:00 Guest speaker/ pozvani govornik/ vabljena predavateljica

  • Prof. Zrinka Blažević, PhD: At the Crossroads: Methodologies for Liminal Spaces


11:00–11:30 Guest speaker/ pozvani govornik/ vabljeni predavatelj

  • Gašper Cerkovnik, PhD: Santiago Matamoros in Central European Art in the Time of the Turkish Wars


12:00–12:30 Coffee break/ pauza za kavu/ odmor za kavo


12:30–14:00 Panel 1. Moderator: Miha Zor

  • Viktoria Košak (Croatia, Zagreb): The Image of Turks in the Travelogues of the Bosnian Franciscans in the 19th Century

  • Ümit Fırat Açıkgöz (USA, Houston): Between the Classical/ Medieval Past and the Oriental Present: French Travelers to Antioch (1784−1939)

  • Eter Edisherashvili (Georgia, Tbilisi) and Nino Tsitsishvili (Georgia, Tbilisi): Catholic Christianity and 17th−18th Century Georgia: Cultural Reflection

Discussion/ rasprava/ razprava


14:00–16:00 Lunch break*[1]/ ručak/ kosilo


16:00–17:30 Panel 2. Moderator: Dalibor Prančević

  • Talitha Maria Germaine Schepers (United Kingdom, Cambridge): Unravelling the Image of the Turk: An Examination of Artists Who Travelled to Constantinople between 1453 and 1571: Gentile Bellini, Pieter Coecke van Aelst and Nicolas de Nicolay

  • Aynur Erdogan (Netherlands, Groningen): Orientalia: A Transdifferent Approach to Early American Representations of the Orient

  • Marcus Pilz (Germany, Karlsfeld) and Peter T. Nagy (Hungary, Budapest): Medieval Rock Crystal pommels: Five Pieces from Fatimid Egypt?

Discussion/ rasprava/ razprava


17:30–17:45 Coffee break/ pauza za kavu/ odmor za kavo


17:45–18:45 Panel 3. Moderator: Katra Meke

  • Milena Ulčar (Serbia, Belgrade): Who is Who in Saint Tryphon’s Martyrdom: The Saint and Others in Early Modern Kotor

  • Vera-Simone Schulz (Italy, Florence): “Ex Oriente Lux” Re-orienting Discourses on Medieval Lighting Devices in a Cross-Cultural Perspective

Discussion/ rasprava/ razprava



19:00 Free guided tour of Split/ besplatni vođeni obilazak Splita/ brezplačni vodeni ogled Splita





[1] Lunch is not provided by the organizers./ Ručak nije osiguran od strane organizatora./ Organizatorji ne krijejo stroškov kosila.


Organising committeeIvana Prijatelj Pavičić, Marina Vicelja Matijašić, Tine Germ (co-chairs);

Iva Brusić, Gašper Cerkovnik, Martina Malešič, Katra Meke, Ivana Meštrov, Dalibor Prančević, Petra Predoević Zadković, Ines Unetič, Ivana Nina Unković, Asta Vrečko, Miha Zor 

9:00–11:00 Panel 4. Moderator: Petra Predoević Zadković

  • Ivana Triva (Croatia, Kaštel Gomilica): Ljubo Karaman “On the Paths of Byzantine Characteristics in Art”– Almost 60 Years After

  • Iuliana Delia Damian (Romania, Bucharest): Structures, Ornaments and Symbols. Patterns of Artistic Intersection between East and West in Wallachian 17th−18th Century Religious Architecture

  • Anna Sophia Messner (Italy, Florence): The Jewish Nation and the Orient. Visual Constructions of the Self and the Other in Pre-State Palestine

Discussion/ rasprava/ razprava


11:00–11:15 Coffee break/ pauza za kavu/ odmor za kavo


11:15–13:15 Panel 5. Moderator: Martina Malešič

  • Dorottya Uhrin (Hungary, Budapest): Protecting Christianity on the Eastern Frontier: On Some Aspects of the Cult and Representation of Saint Catherine and Saint Margaret in Medieval Hungary

  • Matko Matija Marušić (Croatia, Zagreb): The Observant Franciscans and the Reconstructions of the Sacred Topography of Jerusalem in the Eastern Adriatic

  • Igor Glazov (Russia, Saint Petersburg): The Cross to Saint Sophia. Russian Cultural Policy in the Balkans in the 19th and Early 20th Century

Discussion/ rasprava/ razprava


13:15–15:00 Lunch break *[1]/ ručak/ kosilo


15:00–17:00 Panel 6. Moderator: Ivana Meštrov

  • Sandor Klapcsik (Czech Republic, Liberec) and Nikola Hendrichová (Czech Republic, Liberec): Confrontation, Acculturation and Parodistic Imitation between Eastern and Western Europe in Two Balkan Films

  • Renaud Dorlhiac (France, Paris): One World… and the Other: Kristaq Sotiri’s Photographic Work

  • Eni Buljubašić (Croatia, Split): “Practical Mediterranism” and Popular Music: A Multimodal Stylistic Analysis of a Music Video

  • Ketevan Tsetskhldaze (Georgia, Tbilisi): Between East and West – 1910−30’s Tbilisi and Georgian Modernism

Discussion/ rasprava/ razprava


17:00–17:30 Coffee break/ pauza za kavu/ odmor za kavo


17:30–19:30 Panel 7. Moderator: Asta Vrečko

  • Andrea Baotić-Rustanbegović (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo): “Displaying Orient”– The Art Production and Construction of a Visual Identity of  Bosnia and Herzegovina under the Austro-Hungarian Rule and during Kallay’s Regime (1882−1903)

  • Sandra Bradvić (Switzerland, Bern): Creating New Geographies: Sarajevo Center for Contemporary Art (SCCA) between Emancipation and Mystification of Art from Eastern Europe

  • Nikola Bojić (Croatia, Split): Diocletian’s Palace in the Post-War Architectural Discourse of Team 10

  • Dragana Modrić (Croatia, Sinj): Politics of Memory between the East and the West – Walid Raad and Monument Group

Final discussion/ završna rasprava/ končna razprava


20:30 Closing dinner/ završna večera/ zaključna večerja





[1] Lunch is not provided by the organizers. / Ručak nije osiguran od strane organizatora. / Organizatorji ne krijejo stroškov kosila.

9:30–12:30 Free guided tour/ besplatni vođeni obilazak/ brezplačni vodeni ogled

Thursday, 17th September 2015/ četvrtak, 17. rujna 2015/ četrtek, 17. september 2015



Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Split, (Poljana Kraljice Jelene 1/III), 3rd floor/

Filozofski fakultet, Sveučilište u Splitu, (Poljana Kraljice Jelene 1/III), 3. kat/

Fakulteta za humanistične in družbene vede, Univerza v Splitu, (Poljana Kraljice Jelene 1/III), 3. nadstropje (Google maps)

Contact/ kontakt/ kontakt:

Friday, 18th September 2015/ petak, 18. rujna 2015/ petek, 18. september 2015



Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Split, (Poljana Kraljice Jelene 1/III), 3rd floor/

Filozofski fakultet, Sveučilište u Splitu, (Poljana Kraljice Jelene 1/III), 3. kat/

Fakulteta za humanistične in družbene vede, Univerza v Splitu, (Poljana Kraljice Jelene 1/III), 3. nadstropje (Google maps)

Saturday, 19th September 2015/ subota, 19. rujna 2015/ sobota, 19. september 2015



Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Split, (Poljana Kraljice Jelene 1/III), 3rd floor/

Filozofski fakultet, Sveučilište u Splitu, (Poljana Kraljice Jelene 1/III), 3. kat/

Fakulteta za humanistične in družbene vede, Univerza v Splitu, (Poljana Kraljice Jelene 1/III), 3. nadstropje (Google maps)

Crossroads: East and West


Cultural Contacts, Transfers and Exchange between East and West in the Mediterranean

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